Thursday, October 29, 2015


Let's Talk Support....

Many people say to each other, “I will support you, no matter what the decision is that you make”. Sometimes it is said, because they can be there for you 100% and be with you through it all. And sometimes it is said because they just want to be liked and really have no care in the out come. They want to tell you what you want to hear.

Then there are people who can't say it at all. Don't take this personally. Because maybe, just maybe, it's not about you, it's about them. Just because you are strong and ready to make a life changing decision, doesn't mean everyone else is ready to handle it. Every decision you make, affects those around you. They know what they can handle and what they can approve of in their life. Maybe they are traveling a different path then you all together. Or, maybe they perceive a different out come for you and they don't want to be apart of it.

I personally think some people get a bad rap for being labeled “not supportive”. Maybe they are having a hard time supporting themselves and they just can't take on any more. It is great and wonderful to be supported in all your decisions and that you have strong people around you. However, if you don't, it's ok. “I can't support you or your decision” IS NOT “I don't love you”. It sometimes means.. “ I love you so much, I don't want you hurt, because I can't handle that.”


Happiness Talks

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Solutions and Problems

Pixabay - Larisa-K

Solution - something that is used or done to deal with and end a problem : something that solves a problem. (Merriam-Webster)

Problem - something that is difficult to deal with : something that is a source of trouble, worry, etc : a feeling of not liking or wanting to do something. (Merriam-Webster)

I want you to look at your life as you read this and ask yourself how many problems you have going on right now that need fixing. What do you have happening in your life right now that requires some kind of solution. For example, maybe the problem is that your floor is dirty and the solution is that you need to vacuum or mop.

Some of us are in the process of reprogramming our minds to be more positive. However, if we didn't have these negative feelings and emotions coming over us on a daily basis, then we wouldn't need to program ourselves to think on a more positive level, it would just be that and in turn nothing negative would surround us. Problems would not exist!

Problems only exist because we create them for ourselves. We do not need to have a solution unless we have a problem that needs solving. The real challenge here is creating a problem-free life for yourself. And with that, you need to stop creating solutions ahead of time. Sometimes we let our mind run wild and think well if this happens then I'll just do this to fix it, that seems easy enough! BUT, by doing this, by creating our solution in advance we are asking and putting out energy that is saying "I need a problem to match this solution!" or "I have a solution so where is the problem, I'm ready for it! I prepared myself!".

Instead of doing that. Instead of creating a solution WAY too early or creating the problem at all, know and accept that in this moment of now all is well and taken care of. Everything has it's place and you accept that to be true. When we reach the point of living in our highest potential, our true selves, all will be well. We will not have to worry about anything other than living in the moment and seeing all the beauty in everything. What will exist is our positive energy and that energy will be so magnificent that our desires will come to us faster than we have ever seen because nothing is holding us back. We are no longer holding ourselves back.

All of this goes back to having a negative belief system, negative paradigms. Maybe we are scared or in fear or doubt that something we want won't happen. This creates the problem that requires a solution. So continue to reprogram your mind to be more positive; looking for blessings and the great fortunes that already exist in your life. When your thoughts are positive and healthy, you will feel better. You will begin your path towards your true self, a place where all is well.

Happiness Talks 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Experiment #4 - Are you being specific?!

Ready to hear my results from the last experiment?! First, let me share that I had to skip over one of the experiments because I did not have the proper materials to go through with it 100%. I do plan to go back to do it at some point, but for now I moved on to the next experiment.

You might have heard when it comes to the Law of Attraction, we must be specific to what we want. We cannot just say I want enough money to get me by. The reason for this is because the Universe as well as our subconscious minds do not know that when you say 'enough' you might mean one million dollars. But, you might be feeling or sending vibrations out there that could send the message that 'enough' to you means one thousand dollars due to fear, doubt, or maybe even resistance that you have associated with money. So you see the problem here?

Whenever you are creating what you want to be as specific as possible. Have as many details written down as possible! If you want to create a pet dog for yourself, write down and focus on the details of what you want - what breed, what color, boy or girl, etc.

The clearer the image is of what you want, the easier it will be to visualize it and bring it into it's physical form! That is what this experiment is all about, being specific!

I had 48 hours to create something specific. I chose to bring into my life purple flowers. I was only specific with the color, but wanted to see how it would go because I was having a hard time picking something to test this experiment on.

Pixabay - NickRivers
My Results:
I feel as though I had better results with the other two experiments that I've completed. My husband and I were using his computer for something and at the end he closed out of his browser and there were the purple flowers! They were on his desktop background. I may not have created them to have in my hands physically but I did bring them into my world in some way! If I had tried a little bit harder on this experiment, I truly believe that I could have created it physically, but now I know for future creations to spend more time on bringing it to me in a more physical form!

What are you creating in your life? Are you being specific to it's description? We would like to hear! Please share with us. (:

Happiness Talks

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Let's Talk Resistance..

What is resistance? I have heard so many times over and over, that no one else is stopping your good from coming to you, you are doing it yourself. Ok, so how am I doing that? For sure there must be an unseen force out there stopping me, because I sure wouldn't do it my self. Well, as it turns out, both are true. Another name for this force and resistance is EGO. And most of us, although unaware of it, have given way to much control and power to our ego. And how did we do that? By giving into it so much. Why do we give into it? Because it uses our stored up memories and beliefs from our sub conscious to validate its reasoning.

For instance, when we decide that we want to try something new to better our lives, Resistance steps in.

How? In the form of Excuses! I don't have time for that...I don't have enough money to do that.. I'm afraid I'll make a mistake..I tried but then things started to go wrong so I quit..I tried once before and it didn't work...I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Even if all is well, we can create problems so that we have excuses to stay in our comfort zone.

Now, we don't want to fight the ego. After all, it believes it is trying to save us from pain and heartache. So, all we need to do is make peace with it. How? By just recognizing, resistance/ego/excuses, when it shows up. And gently say to yourself."It's ok, I'll be ok, I can do this. Thank you for helping, I know you mean well, but I can handle this." Then start to take steps in the direction you want to go. Make a decision, and take the first step to learn how to dance, learn to play the piano, clean out that closet, to start eating healthy, to start being positive. There are many free videos on YouTube to just about learn anything. Once we lessen the ego's power, it will stop giving us so much grief and will allow us to be open and receptive to our desires. You can do this, it may take a little effort, but you are worth it!


Happiness Talks

Friday, October 16, 2015

Massage Therapy!

Photo Cred - giuseppeblu (Pixabay) 
Let's talk Massage Therapy! This is a little different from some our of 'normal' posts about the Law of Attraction. However, I find it is important that we do things that relax us and bring us into a calm state of being. Many of us use meditation or tapping to do this for ourselves, but we can also use massage therapy to benefit our happiness too!

If you find that you are stressed out at times, then you may have pain in certain areas of your body. Trigger points are areas of muscle that are tight that can cause pain in a different location. So, by massaging these trigger points, we may reduce some stress and tension and feel a little bit better throughout our day!

Everyone handles stress differently, but I think it is one of the main causes of knots and tension in our muscles. There was a time when I never used to have tension in my muscles. However, when I started to stress about 'life happening' that changed. Sometimes I feel like there isn't a muscle in my body that doesn't have tension! BUT, we are all about the positive here so that is why I recommend massage therapy to help you because it helps me!

Some of the benefits of massages include relieving tension, reduce anxiety and depression, improves sleep patterns, improves mood by releasing serotonin and dopamine. These are just a few, but there are SO many more out there. It is surprising what the feeling of touch can do for us on an emotional and spiritual level!

Now, I understand not all of us have someone there that will be offering to give us a massage every day! One massage a week could help your state of happiness tremendously by helping relieve the stress from the week. If you don't have a significant other, then take some time and look up a local spa who offers massage treatments. You are worth the time and money spent to feel good and be happy! 

Happiness Talks

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Let's Talk Preparedness...

We prepare for parties, holidays, traveling, and vacations. Preparing makes things easier and go smoother. So what do you do to prepare for the next day, the next month or the next storm? What I like to do is carry a picture or a quote, so when I look at it, it instantly calms me down, grounds me and brings me back to a place of peace. When something comes up, I know just what to do before I get carried away in any drama. It can be easy to get carried away in the drama of the world, but it also can be easy to get focused and clear and back to peace. Find something that works for you, whether it be a picture, a quote or a song, an affirmation, etc.

It's not only good to prepare for storms, but also for your everyday lives. Read inspiring books, listen to motivational talks (there are many on YouTube) or say affirmations. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Prepare For Your Happiness! Put some effort into enriching your week, your month, or your year. You Are Worth It! Practice daily routines that feed your soul. Like physical exercise develops strong muscles and good health, mental and spiritual exercises develops a strong attitude and spirit. Prepare and watch your life go smoother.

Happiness Talks

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

E2 Experiment #2 - What I focus on...

Have you ever bought/leased a car and as soon as you have it you seen them EVERYWHERE? But beforehand, you never seen them ever! This is because what are minds are focused on, we will bring forth to us. Your mind is so focused on your new car that you are attracting more of the same into your life!

This brings me to my second E2 Experiment! This one is also very simple. It lasts for 48 hours. For the first twenty-four hours, you should pick something to focus on and see how many of that item you see in that day. Then, do the same thing for the next twenty-four hours but change the item for the second day!

First 24 Hours - Any silver vehicle
Second 24 Hours - Dogs

I went with two things that spoke/resonated with me. I'm not sure why silver vehicles talked to me; it was more so the color I think. Something told me to just go with silver, so I did! I've always loved dogs! I have a want list taped next to my bed and on that list is a German Shepherd! I can't wait for that day and know it is closely approaching. Just thinking about it makes me warm and happy inside! 

Photo Cred: CristainFerronato (Pixabay)

My Results:

Silver Cars - I seen and picked out 8 silver cars in the first day. This may not seem like a lot, but you don't realize how many things just pass you by that you don't pay attention too. It makes me wonder how many times have opportunities been right in front of us to get closer to our desires that we ignored. Hmm.
Dogs - This day, I will admit, my energy was a little out of it. I was tired and not entirely focused. However, I still had a decent outcome of 7 dogs! Not too shabby in my opinion.

This was a fun and exciting experiment to take part in. And like I said in the last post, if you want to try these out then get Pam Grout's book called E Squared! I do not think you will regret it.
Find Her Book on Barnes & Noble

Happiness Talks 

Monday, October 12, 2015

E2 Experiment #1 - I am a powerful creator!

I am so excited to share this post with you today! I recently picked up the book E Squared by Pam Grout. ( If you are interested in her books, check out her website! I had come across this book while looking for a new read and passed on it, but then I read a post from someone else who had done the experiments she provides and had success with them. I took that as a sign that I was supposed to get this book and read it!

I am going to share with you my results from every experiment she shares in this book. I will briefly go over the experiment, but ultimately, if you want to try them then I strongly encourage you to get her book!!!

Her first experiment is to prove to ourselves that we really are powerful creators! Very easily, you are supposed to ask for a blessing of any kind. You're supposed to give this blessing 48 hours to come into existence. In those 48 hours, give attention to it and ask for recognition that you were the creator of this blessing.


My Blessing: 
I decided to ask for a financial blessing. I didn't put a number or amount with it, I just wanted one of any amount! I did something extra for myself to continuously remind me throughout the day to give attention to this financial blessing, which was setting an alarm on my phone every two hours. This helped a lot because one of the days I was working, so it helped bring my attention back to my blessing if I got distracted. 

My Results:  I mentioned before that the first day of doing this experiment I had to work. Arriving home from work, I went to grab a snack which turned out to be a yogurt. Now, we buy the big boxes of yogurt and share them with my in-laws. I noticed that the box of yogurt was almost gone and mentioned that to my husband being that we just bought them a few days ago! He told me it was probably his dad. And I nonchalantly said, "Okay, he can buy the next box then." Before I go any farther, I want to make note that I wasn't complaining that they were gone so quickly at all, just taking note of it. In fact, I didn't have any bad feelings towards it at all!

So, after dinner that same night my father in law asked me how much a box of the yogurt was - I said I'm not sure, $7 or $8. He replied with, "Okay, because I'm going to buy the next box." I immediately turned to my husband and said, "WOW, How is that for creation?!" With the help of my husband pointing it out to me, I realized that this was my financial blessing. It may have only been for a few dollars, but I know that I was the one that created it. There is absolutely no doubt about it! I was so excited and knew this came from doing this experiment!!

With that result, I also felt more blessed for the money that I have and the fact that all my bills are paid and I don't have to worry about them! And, while working I was more grateful and appreciated every sale we had that day! So not only did it make me focus on my blessing, but it made me feel more grateful for what I already had!

So I hope you enjoyed today's post because I was thrilled to share it with you today! I am currently doing her next experiment and when I am done, I will share those results with you as well! In addition, I want you to know that there is a lot more to her book than what I've shared and the experiments. It is a funny, easy read!

Happiness Talks 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

King Midas Touch

Let's Talk King Midas Touch...

I think we all wish we had the King Midas Touch. Everything we touch would turn to gold. Well, lets explore that. Who is King Midas? Someone who believes that everything he touches turns to gold. What is gold? Something of great value. Everything we touch has value. Some more then others. Let's not take anything for granted that we touch today. If it has no value, why are you touching it? There is so much value in the world around us and we just take it for granted. We just get use to it. So....if we had a lot of gold and we seen and touched it daily, would it lose its value? I think not.

We think everyone has a home, clothes, food, car, furniture, dishes, shoes, television, computer ,a bed, family, job,clean water, books, education,etc...But not everyone does. If you have all these things and more, then You have the Midas Touch!Be grateful and don't take it for granted. We all have the potential of having the Midas Touch. We just need to value who we are, our ideas, dreams and what we already have, and believe in our ability to love and create.


Happiness Talks

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Method - Desire for Money

I want to share with everyone a method that has been working for me and has given me results. Now, everyone is different and what might work for me might not work for you and vice versa. However, when it comes to my own happiness, I keep an open mind on trying new things!

I learned this method from Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich. If you are able to pick this book up, it has helped me greatly! Definitely worth the read. There are quite a few steps in the method.

1. Fix your mind on the exact amount of money you wish to bring forth in your life. It is important to be definite on the amount because your subconscious mind plays off of what the conscious mind tells it. So if you are saying that you want plenty or enough money, your subconscious mind will give you whatever belief you hold about money to be true. So if you don't think you deserve money, the amount that will be enough will turn out to be ZERO. 

2. Determine what you will give back to the world for the money you are wishing to receive. As I've learned from Napoleon Hill and Bob Proctor, there is no such thing as something for nothing. According to the law of attraction, what we focus on we bring into our realities. Yes, while that is true - I also believe we need to show our love and appreciation for the world we live in by setting goals for ourselves and intending to reach them on a daily basis with positive mindset.

3. Establish a definite date when you intend to receive the amount you have desired. Whatever time frame that feels right to you, will work the best.

4. Create a definite plan (that word definite just keeps coming up because it is so important) that you will do to carry out to achieve this desire. It might be something like, "My plan is to give back by ______ in order to receive my desire of $_______ by __________." Also, now is the time to decide whether or not you are READY to make this commitment and set forth on this plan of yours.

5. The plan that you have put together in step 4 should now be written down into a concise, clear statement that feels right and resonates within yourself and makes it easy to see this desire coming into your reality. 

6. Finally, one of the most important steps! You want to read this statement of yours TWICE daily. I recommend once when you wake up and once before you go to bed. At these two times of the day, your mind is less likely to come up with doubt and fears that will prevent you from achieving your goal. As you read the statement, see it coming true and feel what it would be like to have the amount of money you are looking to obtain. Believe you are already in possession of the money!! 

You can even use this method to achieve a goal that is not related to money. It is whatever feels right to you and whatever you are looking to obtain into your life, whether it is money, love, health, etc. Do what feels right to you. If it doesn't feel right to you, then you are not going to be able to easily see, believe, and feel the desire at hand.

Happiness Talks

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Let's Talk Tap

Let's Talk Tap

If you've never heard of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) do yourself a favor and check it out. It has helped me tremendously in my life. It has helped me through and get over panic and anxiety attacks. But, it can also help with so much more. If your a person who holds their anger and frustration inside, if you have anxiety issues, fears, or a temper, EFT will be very helpful for you to. Holding in or pushing down your feelings and emotions can not only affect your life and attitude, it can affect your health, emotionally and physically.

Basically, what you are doing is tapping on acupressure points as you talk through your feelings. EFT gently lets you feel and work through your emotions, without pushing them down or having outburst. It calms and relaxes you, so you can let go and step back from your issue, what ever it may be, and rationally deal with it.
To learn more about it, check out these sites. You'll be glad you did.
Jessica Ortner - and Brad
They have Many Free Guided Videos on YouTube.