Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Method - Desire for Money

I want to share with everyone a method that has been working for me and has given me results. Now, everyone is different and what might work for me might not work for you and vice versa. However, when it comes to my own happiness, I keep an open mind on trying new things!

I learned this method from Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich. If you are able to pick this book up, it has helped me greatly! Definitely worth the read. There are quite a few steps in the method.

1. Fix your mind on the exact amount of money you wish to bring forth in your life. It is important to be definite on the amount because your subconscious mind plays off of what the conscious mind tells it. So if you are saying that you want plenty or enough money, your subconscious mind will give you whatever belief you hold about money to be true. So if you don't think you deserve money, the amount that will be enough will turn out to be ZERO. 

2. Determine what you will give back to the world for the money you are wishing to receive. As I've learned from Napoleon Hill and Bob Proctor, there is no such thing as something for nothing. According to the law of attraction, what we focus on we bring into our realities. Yes, while that is true - I also believe we need to show our love and appreciation for the world we live in by setting goals for ourselves and intending to reach them on a daily basis with positive mindset.

3. Establish a definite date when you intend to receive the amount you have desired. Whatever time frame that feels right to you, will work the best.

4. Create a definite plan (that word definite just keeps coming up because it is so important) that you will do to carry out to achieve this desire. It might be something like, "My plan is to give back by ______ in order to receive my desire of $_______ by __________." Also, now is the time to decide whether or not you are READY to make this commitment and set forth on this plan of yours.

5. The plan that you have put together in step 4 should now be written down into a concise, clear statement that feels right and resonates within yourself and makes it easy to see this desire coming into your reality. 

6. Finally, one of the most important steps! You want to read this statement of yours TWICE daily. I recommend once when you wake up and once before you go to bed. At these two times of the day, your mind is less likely to come up with doubt and fears that will prevent you from achieving your goal. As you read the statement, see it coming true and feel what it would be like to have the amount of money you are looking to obtain. Believe you are already in possession of the money!! 

You can even use this method to achieve a goal that is not related to money. It is whatever feels right to you and whatever you are looking to obtain into your life, whether it is money, love, health, etc. Do what feels right to you. If it doesn't feel right to you, then you are not going to be able to easily see, believe, and feel the desire at hand.

Happiness Talks

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