Monday, October 12, 2015

E2 Experiment #1 - I am a powerful creator!

I am so excited to share this post with you today! I recently picked up the book E Squared by Pam Grout. ( If you are interested in her books, check out her website! I had come across this book while looking for a new read and passed on it, but then I read a post from someone else who had done the experiments she provides and had success with them. I took that as a sign that I was supposed to get this book and read it!

I am going to share with you my results from every experiment she shares in this book. I will briefly go over the experiment, but ultimately, if you want to try them then I strongly encourage you to get her book!!!

Her first experiment is to prove to ourselves that we really are powerful creators! Very easily, you are supposed to ask for a blessing of any kind. You're supposed to give this blessing 48 hours to come into existence. In those 48 hours, give attention to it and ask for recognition that you were the creator of this blessing.


My Blessing: 
I decided to ask for a financial blessing. I didn't put a number or amount with it, I just wanted one of any amount! I did something extra for myself to continuously remind me throughout the day to give attention to this financial blessing, which was setting an alarm on my phone every two hours. This helped a lot because one of the days I was working, so it helped bring my attention back to my blessing if I got distracted. 

My Results:  I mentioned before that the first day of doing this experiment I had to work. Arriving home from work, I went to grab a snack which turned out to be a yogurt. Now, we buy the big boxes of yogurt and share them with my in-laws. I noticed that the box of yogurt was almost gone and mentioned that to my husband being that we just bought them a few days ago! He told me it was probably his dad. And I nonchalantly said, "Okay, he can buy the next box then." Before I go any farther, I want to make note that I wasn't complaining that they were gone so quickly at all, just taking note of it. In fact, I didn't have any bad feelings towards it at all!

So, after dinner that same night my father in law asked me how much a box of the yogurt was - I said I'm not sure, $7 or $8. He replied with, "Okay, because I'm going to buy the next box." I immediately turned to my husband and said, "WOW, How is that for creation?!" With the help of my husband pointing it out to me, I realized that this was my financial blessing. It may have only been for a few dollars, but I know that I was the one that created it. There is absolutely no doubt about it! I was so excited and knew this came from doing this experiment!!

With that result, I also felt more blessed for the money that I have and the fact that all my bills are paid and I don't have to worry about them! And, while working I was more grateful and appreciated every sale we had that day! So not only did it make me focus on my blessing, but it made me feel more grateful for what I already had!

So I hope you enjoyed today's post because I was thrilled to share it with you today! I am currently doing her next experiment and when I am done, I will share those results with you as well! In addition, I want you to know that there is a lot more to her book than what I've shared and the experiments. It is a funny, easy read!

Happiness Talks 

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