Let's Talk Preparedness...
We prepare for parties, holidays, traveling, and vacations. Preparing makes things easier and go smoother. So what do you do to prepare for the next day, the next month or the next storm? What I like to do is carry a picture or a quote, so when I look at it, it instantly calms me down, grounds me and brings me back to a place of peace. When something comes up, I know just what to do before I get carried away in any drama. It can be easy to get carried away in the drama of the world, but it also can be easy to get focused and clear and back to peace. Find something that works for you, whether it be a picture, a quote or a song, an affirmation, etc.
It's not only good to prepare for
storms, but also for your everyday lives. Read inspiring books,
listen to motivational talks (there are many on YouTube) or say
affirmations. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Prepare For Your
Happiness! Put some effort into enriching your week, your month, or
your year. You Are Worth It! Practice daily routines that feed your
soul. Like physical exercise develops strong muscles and good health,
mental and spiritual exercises develops a strong attitude and spirit.
Prepare and watch your life go smoother.
Happiness Talks
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