Friday, December 25, 2015

Facing Fears

With the New Year right around the corner, I think it's a great time to talk about facing your fears. While it is important to recognize your fears, it is also important to not let them have power and control your life. Think about how much you are letting your fear control your every day life. How much happiness does it keep from you? If you are finding that it keeps a substantial amount of happiness from you then maybe it is time to face them head on. It is always better to face them than to let them control you. By facing them you are taking its power and relinquishing the control it has. Think about what you are afraid you want to travel but are afraid to fly? Ask yourself why you are afraid to fly and go from there. Personally, I recommend starting with small things you have fear towards then work yourself up. Overcoming one small fear will give you motivation and drive to do it again and just keep climbing up the ladder. Start with one you are most comfortable to face. You can do it. You have it in you to crush your fear - to tell you fear "I will no longer allow you to negatively affect my life!".

Happiness Talks

Thursday, December 17, 2015

3 Days

Let's Talk 3Days....
I was raised and always taught, when making a decision about something important, wait 3 days. If I am rushed into a decision that I need to know right at that very moment, my answer is always No. Wait 3 days. It gives you time to process it rationally and emotionally with out force. Even if you are having a bad day or going through a bad time and you just want to give up. Wait 3 days. Your outlook can and usually does totally change after 3 days. This teaching started with my religious upbringing. My dad would say to me, Jesus had the worse day of His life on Friday, but Sunday, 3 days later, He made history. 2000 years later we are still talking about it.
And I must admit, it has always worked for me, even in the very tough times. Or shall I say especially in the tough times. This even works with simple decisions that you really just don't know what to do. I'm not saying constantly think about it for 3 days. I am saying just ask, what shall I do and let it go. The answer will come and be made very clear. You will either see signs or just feel differently about the whole thing. You will be able to make the decision in peace instead of stress.  So, if you are feeling indecisive, pressured, down, frustrated or frightened......Wait 3 Days.

                                           Happiness Talks

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Feeling Good

Have you recognized that on certain days or when certain things happen to you that it makes you feel good? If you are able to recognize that then you are one step closer to your true self. Our true self is the person we want to become in our lifetime, where all of out desires are easily manifested.

When we are feeling good, we are closer to bring who we truly are. The important part is what you do when something makes you feel bad. Do you allow it? Do you walk away from it? Do you ignore it? What do you do? The only thing you deserve is to feel good. Don't keep letting yourself hang around feeling bad. Find out what makes you feel good and rid yourself and your life of what makes you feel bad. It is that simple. However, it might be harder said than done so you might have to work at this, but it is worth your happiness! 

Happiness Talks ☺

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Let's Talk Thoughts.....

When I first started this journey, I read that your suppose to constantly monitor your
thoughts, you were suppose to be careful what you think. Well, all this did was cause me
fear about what I was thinking. It was also causing me much stress watching and examining every one of my thoughts. And I found myself giving up many times because of this. It seemed too hard if not impossible.
What I've come to learn is, if your afraid or stressed, you're doing it wrong. And this goes pretty much for anything. But let's stick with thoughts. What you actually need to do is just be aware of your thoughts. Let them pass through. Thoughts will come and they will go. The secret is letting them go. Take a back seat and watch them go by. What you focus on you get more of. Don't take them so seriously. And whatever you do, don't be afraid of them. Love them and make them your friends. This has worked wonders for me. Just be aware of ones that keep recurring. That is a sign of a belief. So if you don't like that thought or that belief, it's time to change it. Because beliefs are what create your life. If you want to know what your real thoughts are, what your real beliefs are, listen to what you say. Listen to the words that are coming out of you mouth. I surprised myself many times with what I said, even in a joking manner. The good news is thoughts and beliefs and words can be changed. Have fun with it. Relax with it. Also, don't beat yourself up for what you think or say, we are all just learning here. With practice it will all come easy. Believe in yourself!


                                                     Happiness Talks