Monday, September 28, 2015

It's a Choice

It seems like it has become popular to give up on being positive and this 'lifestyle' after a certain amount of time. I'm not sure why this is, but I can say that I have experienced this multiple time. 

Photo Cred - Pixabay (fancycrave1) 
In the past, I have made the choice to be positive and look for the good in everything. Usually, I keep it up for a few weeks but then I give up at it. Research has shown us that it takes 21 days to create a habit. Now, some may say, believe, or think that bigger tasks might take longer than the 21 day mark. Why do we give up on ourselves in this way? Mostly because those negative factors come in and take over when the positive factors aren't strong enough yet. I think that probably plays a major role in it. 

I have made the vow to myself to not stray off the path this time. I have been doing it for about a month and a half now and my drive for wanting to stay positive is stronger than ever! I know for a fact that I don't want to look back at my life at the age of 50 and regret all the years I wasted. I want to live a fulfilled life doing things that excite me and bring me joy! You should want this too!!! 

A few things that I have been doing to keep myself on this straight and narrow path of posivity... 

1. I have one person that is my rock in this and that person is my husband. If he sees me falling down into the dumps of negativity, he helps lift me right back up where I belong. For his kindness and care, I am so grateful!
2. I try to broaden my knowledge every day. I try to grow every day in a way that I wasn't yesterday. In that past, I didn't do this and you wouldn't believe how much it has been helping me this time around!!
3. I stay aware of my thoughts and actions. This isn't always easy to do but very rewarding when I am able to stick with it. By staying aware, I can catch myself if I am having a bad thought or reliving a negative experience from my past. Easily, I am able to change it over to the good and focus my attention on my blessings. 

Now, nobody is perfect. There are days we may stray away a little bit. There are days I stray away a little bit and that is okay! The important thing to do is recognize we are straying and try to do something to pick ourselves back up! 

What do you do to keep yourself lifted up, positive, and focused on a more fulfilled and rewarding life?

Happiness Talks

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Never Stop Learning

I want to remind everyone to continue their self-growth and always continue to learn! Just because we are no longer in school doesn't mean we have to stop learning! 

Every day, there is always something that can be learned in any area of your life. We choose not to seek the knowledge, but the knowledge is vital for our self-growth and performance as human beings!

You might say something along the lines of, "Well, I'm not a good learner or reader." STOP! I don't want to hear that negativity!! You are better than that. I have faith that you can continue learning and you should too! Sometimes learning new things gives me the inspiration I need to get to that next step in life. I love continuing my growth. It is something that makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning! We all should be excited for this!

My challenge for you today is to get up and learn something; whether it is at the grocery store or in a book. Try to learn something new for your soul and see how good it feels!

Happiness Talks

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone - A place, situation, or level where someone feels confident and comfortable.
(Merriam Webster) 

We all love to be in our comfort zones, right? This is a place where we don't have any anxiety or fear or doubt so it's only normal that we wouldn't want to leave this relaxing, promising place. 

Through my recent studies on the law of attraction and getting what you want, I've come to a realization. One that I think is very important. I am not one who takes risks. I'm more so the one saying, "That sounds risky, maybe we shouldn't do that". And what that is, is my fear holding me back. I know this. We have to learn to take risks! It is essential to grow. 

I want you to ask yourself. What is in my comfort zone? You should realize that all that is in your comfort zone is what you currently have. Now, you might say well I don't like having a lack of money. That is a good point. You may not like it, but for some reason you are comfortable with it. This is when you should do some work on yourself to try and figure out why you are so comfortable with what you have and where you are in life. That is a different subject altogether. 

Ask yourself, "What do I really want? If I could have anything right now what would it be?" You might answer with, I want a beautiful, big home on a farm with a barn. As of right now, your desire is outside of your comfort zone. If it was inside of your comfort zone, you would already have it. And this is what I mean when I say we need to take risks. The risk is removing ourselves from our levels of comfort and going to where we have never been before. When we are outside of it, we will be on the same playing field as our desire. In turn, we will be closer to it and once we are comfortable in that area, we will  be in the same zone as our desire, and quite possibly changing it from its imaginative state to it's physical form.

I want to challenge everyone to do one positive thing today that removes you from your comfort zone. I know this may be scary, but see if you can do it! Challenge yourself! 

Happiness Talks

Friday, September 4, 2015

Let's Imagine...

You hear over and over from many different authors, “act as if” you already have what you want. Sometime that can be difficult when you obviously don’t have it in your possession at the moment. It can be frustrating because you feel like your lying to yourself. And when you lie to yourself you can make matters worse. Well, today I would like to help you with that.

According to Bob Procter, “Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So you don't have to get anything; it is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.”

In other words, its already here and its yours, you just have to get into vibrational harmony with it. And if this is true, which I believe it is, we need to convince our minds that what we are seeking has just been misplaced. I'm sure we all have misplaced something at one time or another, we KNOW we have it, we just don't see it. Or how many times were you looking for something and you found something else that you didn't even know you had. I know I have several times. So, if you can accept that you KNOW you have it, and can feel it and declare it, your on your way to receiving it!

So, lets JUST IMAGINE, for a moment, you found what you were seeking.How would that make feel? What would be the first thing you would do? How grateful would you be? Who would you share the good news with? Feel it and picture it in your mind, as long as you can. More then 16 seconds is always good. Do this when ever you think of what it is you want.

That all being said. If you're in a negative mood and you're feeling down, and feeling lack. It won't work. You can't get there from here. You can't be miserable and say positive affirmations and do positive visualization. You would be struggling. Struggling is working against the flow. You need to lift your vibration first. You need to FEEL better. You can do that by meditating, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping) listening to music, go for a walk, dance, a nap or a shower. What ever will cheer you up. Once you get to a place where you can put a smile on your face, you're ready to go!

Happiness Talks

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Take Charge!

The reason for my post today is to inspire you to take charge of your own life and not let others affect your path. 
Have you ever experienced someone else putting you down? Telling you or convincing you that you are not good enough or what you are trying to accomplish is just silly. I think this is something that has happened to all of us at some point. 

We have to program ourselves to not care what others think of us. We live in a society of such diversity that, at times, makes it hard for us to stay focused on our own journey. 

Some tips...

1. Build your confidence! Nothing is more important than this, because without it, you will be at the mercy of everyone else's opinions and thoughts of yourself. In turn, you will let them blind you from the potential of a happy life! 

2. Stay focused on yourself! Everyone is living their own life. If you feel like someone is ahead of you or behind you. STOP thinking about where they are - only focus on where you are and where you want to be. 

3. Surround yourself with people who inspire and lift you up! If you find that one of your friends may bring you down with constant complaining or always makes you feel bad for doing this or that - distance yourself! It may be hard at first, but you will thank yourself later for it.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happiness Talks