Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hold Onto Faith

Pixabay - ju_sajjad0
There are times in our life when we feel like it is so hard to hold onto our faith. Whether it is faith in love, faith in humanity, faith in success, faith in family, whatever it is, it is hard. It those times, it is most important to hang onto your faith and not let anything get in the way of it.

Your faith is a delicate thing. It can be snatched right out from under you and leave you on your butt. On the other hand, it can give you want your soul yearns for - love. To have faith, you must look for your blessings. To look for your blessings, you must have positive consciousness. Basically, what that means is you are always striving to stay positive, even in the hardest of times. I know first hand how difficult it can be to grasp for something that may seem non-existent during times of negativity. 

Why do we give up our faith so easily? It's like, when something happens that affects us in a way that makes us feel bad, we quickly disregard the importance of love and hope. 

My advice for all of you that are going through a hard time is never give up your faith. Never give up the love within yourself that will show you the light in darkness. 

If you feel like you need a listening ear or some guidance, please feel free to contact us at Happiness Talks. We are not therapists or doctors, but we have been through life, just like the rest of the world. We are always happy to help the best we can.  

Happiness Talks 

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